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Whole House Color Scheme Ideas

Decorate with a Whole House Color

Make Your Home Look Cohesive with One Simple Technique

Step-by-Step Guide and Farrow Ball Color Inspiration

Creating a cohesive look for your home is easy with one simple decorating technique - a whole house color. By choosing one color as the base for your home, you can easily add other colors and patterns that complement and enhance your chosen shade. This technique not only simplifies the decorating process but also creates a sense of flow throughout your home.

To help you choose the perfect whole house color, Farrow Ball has created an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide and a range of inspiring color palettes. When selecting a whole house color, it's important to consider the mood you want to create in your home. For a calming and serene atmosphere, opt for soft, muted colors like blues, greens, or grays. If you prefer a more energetic and vibrant space, choose brighter colors like yellows, reds, or oranges.

No matter what style or mood you're going for, choosing a whole house color is a great way to simplify the decorating process and create a cohesive and beautiful look for your home.
