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Autumn Or Fall 2025

First Day of Fall 2025

Autumn or Fall 2025

WEB Autumn 2025 starts on Monday September 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere with daylight time. WEB There are usually 3 quarters in an academic year with each quarter for a duration of 10 weeks. WEB Compare the advantages and disadvantages of Spring and Fall intakes accompanied by timelines and. . WEB In 2025 Autumn or Fall will begin. WEB Spring vs Fall for 2025 Now lets move ahead to discuss the benefits and. WEB First Day of Fall in 2025 is on Monday the 22nd of September 2292025 What is the exact time of the start of..

Important Dates

The first day of fall 2025 is Monday, September 22nd. Daylight saving time ends on November 1st, 2025.

Advantages of Fall Intake

There are several advantages to starting school in the fall. One advantage is that students have the summer to relax and prepare for the new school year. They can also take advantage of summer programs and activities to get ahead on their studies or explore new interests.

Another advantage of fall intake is that students can start fresh with a new group of classmates. This can be a great opportunity to make new friends and build relationships with people who share similar interests.

Disadvantages of Fall Intake

There are also some disadvantages to starting school in the fall. One disadvantage is that the weather can be cold and unpredictable, which can make it difficult to get to class. Another disadvantage is that students may have to compete with a larger number of applicants for admission.


