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Ebrahim Raisi President Of Iran Dies In Helicopter Crash At 63

Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran, Dies in Helicopter Crash at 63

Key Moments in Raisi's Life and Presidency

Prosecution and Rise to Power

In 1989, Ebrahim Raisi, then 33 years old, was appointed prosecutor of Tehran following the death of Iran's first Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. This marked a significant step in his rise through the Iranian theocracy.

Hardline Positions and Aspiration

As prosecutor, Raisi gained notoriety for his hardline positions and strict enforcement of Islamic law. He was widely seen as a potential successor to Khamenei, who had been Supreme Leader since 1989.

Presidency and International Criticism

Raisi was elected President of Iran in 2021, solidifying his position as one of the country's most powerful figures. His presidency has been marked by continued hardline policies, including the suppression of dissent and the enforcement of conservative social norms.
